Το Κέντρο Πολιτισμού Ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος κόμβος βιωσιμότητας - Εικόνα
14 May 2018

Throughout 2017, the sustainability apparatus and structures of the SNFCC went into full gear. We were thus able to obtain the first concrete results, which we are proud to share in the present report. This is the first in a series of reports, which we will be regularly
publishing from now on.

Our aim is not just to provide sets of figures, important as the latter might be, but to contribute to the public debate on sustainability and environmental protection, especially by sensitizing our public, our visitors, our Members, our audiences.

Read the full report: 

See also

Wednesday 12/06, 18:00

First-Aid Course


Sunday 09/06, 13:00

Fun Dance


Tuesday 04/06, 19:00

Mini Basket
