SNFCC Running Team - Εικόνα

The activity scheduled for 22/07 is canceled due to the heatwave.

As sports activities take place outdoors, in case of adverse weather conditions they may be canceled or relocated. For more information (possible relocation of the activities or cancellation due to weather conditions), stay tuned to our website or contact us at 216 8091000. 

Join the SNFCC Running Team and combine fitness and fun in the best possible way! No matter what your physical condition, we will improve your personal performance and abilities in aerobic exercise, while you run around the Stavros Niarchos Park, discovering all of its hidden corners!

Saturday 01, 08, 29/07

08.30 - 10.00


For ages 15+*

Up to 25 participants

Free admission on a first-come-first-served basis 

*The consent and presence of a guardian is required for adolescents aged 15-17 taking part.

See also

Thursday 25/07, 21:00

Parklife: Devendra Banhart


Saturday 29/06, 21:00

Parklife: Buena Vista All Stars


Saturday 29/06, 15:30

SNFCC Members | "Beer.101" Beer Tasting
