Φωτογραφία από το έργο της Angelica Dass που απεικονίζει πρόσωπα ανρθώπων
21 September 2021

The exhibition is extened until Novermber 30, 2021. 

Discover Humanæ, an exhibition by award-winning photographer Angélica Dass, until Novermber 30th at the SNFCC.

Humanæ was presented at the SNFCC at this year’s SNF Nostos by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) celebration. It constitutes an international photographic project/reflection that is constantly evolving and meditating on the meaning of skin color. What are the true colors of humanity, once stereotypical labels are removed?

Brazilian artist Angélica Dass lives in Spain and, through photography, she seeks to cultivate a dialogue between the personal and the global, activating a game where social codes are challenged and reinvented, shaking the notion of identity, and shedding masks.

So far, the Humanæ portrait collection includes more than 4,000 photographs that have traveled to over 40 countries, revealing the beauty and diversity of humanity.

Over 100 portraits are be displayed along the SNFCCs Canal, reminding visitors that skin color can be seen as an objective human quality rather than a label and seeking to flatten out prejudices that lead to all kinds of inequalities. Walking by the Canal, audiences will enter the world Angelica Dass has created, a world where diversity and otherness are natural and only contribute to the beauty of everyday life.


The exhibition is presented along the Canal until 30/11.

Free admission



See also

Thursday 25/07, 21:00

Parklife: Devendra Banhart


Saturday 29/06, 21:00

Parklife: Buena Vista All Stars


Saturday 29/06, 15:30

SNFCC Members | "Beer.101" Beer Tasting
