Art workshop: Modern mosaics - Εικόνα

Drawing inspiration from the abstract mosaic patterns of African American artist Alma Thomas, we create a colorful canvas using markers.

Design and implementation: Christina Tsinisizeli, visual artist
Workshop support: Michalitsa Kozakopoulou, visual artist

Saturday 18/5
12:00-14:00 & 18:00-20:00

Sunday 19/5
11:00-14:00 & 18:00-20:00

Pine Grove

For children aged 5+
Open flow activity
Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis
Accompanying adults should not leave the activity area.




See also

Thursday 25/07, 21:00

Parklife: Devendra Banhart


Saturday 29/06, 21:00

Parklife: Buena Vista All Stars


Saturday 29/06, 15:30

SNFCC Members | "Beer.101" Beer Tasting
