Park Your Cinema: The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - Εικόνα

The future and the unknown will never cease to amaze us. They have inspired the most vibrant minds of science fiction like never before. Cinema constantly dreams of what is out there and shows us the road that leads to the wildest adventures, the most unpredictable stories. It unlocks the magic, soothes our fears and takes us to unlikely destinations in time and space.

This summer, Park your Cinema is showing films selected by the Thessaloniki Film Festival that see the future as an exciting ride into the unknown: iconic films of the 80s and 90s (Back to the Future, War Games, The Men with the Blacks, Day of the Groundhog, The Martians Attack, Big, Jurassic Park, The Iron Giant), but also more recent ones (After the Next Day, Wall-E, Interstellar, Microcosm, Ready Player One).

As, after all, we know, the most beautiful adventures are not always the safest - this is what give them their special charm. In the end, however, they assure us that everything will be fine.

This is how we want to look at tomorrow and this is how we will meet it cinematically at the Great Lawn of the Stavros Niarchos Park: with the impatience of a child thirsty for future adventures.

The Day After Tomorrow
USA, 2004

Director: Roland Emmerich
Scriptwriters: Roland Emmerich, Jeffrey Nachmanoff
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal

When global warming triggers the onset of a new Ice Age, tornadoes flatten Los Angeles, a tidal wave engulfs New York City and the entire Northern Hemisphere begins to freeze solid. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, a world-renowned climatologist (Quaid) who predicted the storm just a few days prior, must now risk his life to rescue his teenage son (Gyllenhaal) who is stranded in frozen, desolate Manhattan. An iconic disaster film addressing an urgent and always up-to-date ecological message on the gloomy future of our planet. 

Friday 11/08 | 21.00
Great Lawn

Free entrance 

* It is recommended that guests be equipped with insect repellant, as well as a mat or a blanket to lay on the lawn.

Park your cinema and Park your cinema Kids series are free and open to all, thanks to an exclusive grant by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. 

See also

Wednesday 12/06, 18:00

First-Aid Course


Sunday 09/06, 13:00

Fun Dance


Tuesday 04/06, 19:00

Mini Basket
