Sexist language & internalized misogyny  - Εικόνα

 "She's someone's daughter or partner, that's why she's advancing in her career," they used to say. "Her hiring is the result of quotas," they say now. Sexism never dies. It corrodes and challenges every effort towards inclusion. Sometimes, it emanates from women themselves, who internalize and reproduce it, without realizing it. 

Panel Moderator: 
Xenia Kounalaki - Journalist

Angeliki Alvanoudi  - Professor of Linguistics and Teacher at the Department of English Language and Literature of AUTH
Katerina Vrana  - Stand up comedian 
Mary Synatsaki - Presenter, Youtuber, Entrepreneur
Sofia Trypidaki  - Social Worker, Psychotherapist

Saturday 06/04, 18.00-19.30

The event will be offered with simultaneous interpretation into the Greek Sign Language.   

Minors up to 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all festival activities.


For Festival Pass holders
Online Festival Pass Sale

WOW Festival Pass 2024 - Choose-What-You-Pay
With Choose-What-You-Pay ticketing, you decide what's right for you. We offer a suggested price of 30€, as well as options to pay more or less. The minimum price is 10€. 

See also

Sunday 07/04, 21:15

Prima Facie by Suzie Miller | Staged reading of selected scenes


Monday 08/04, 21:00

WOW Sounds: Hania Rani


Saturday 06/04, 06:00

