Rita Wilson - Εικόνα

The sun is the life-giving force of the world we live in. In addition, the Sun symbolizes/represents the spiritual source of energy. Meditation in the sun has a cleansing, purifying effect. It restores/recalibrates the basic characteristics we have been given by nature; it works like a kind of “reset”.

The rays of light, as “cosmic stem cells,” contain the entire DNA of existence. Light has the capacity to “burn down” all negativity, heal us, comfort us, provide warmth, activate us, inspire us, empower us to become the creators of our dreams. In this meditation, we will inhale light through a special meditative visualization technique. We will be given the opportunity to experience the vital effects of light. 

Design - Implementation: Giannis Giaples, Yoga Instructor

Wednesday 02/07, 06.30-06.50
Southern Walks

Free admission, on a first-come first served basis

Up to 50 participants

The class is aimed at adults who are interested in experiencing a meditation process.

Participants must bring their own yoga mats. They are advised to wear comfortable clothes and bring mosquito repellent with them. 

See also