Sports & Wellness- Spring 2024 - Εικόνα

The session will begin with mild body stretching, followed by some body postures (Asanas) that will balance our energy, before being concluded with a series of “sun salutations” (a combination of body postures in continuity/flow, a type of mild aerobic exercise that activates the body).

The class will be held at a mild or moderate pace, so that people who are unfamiliar with yoga may participate seamlessly, while advanced yoga practitioners can delve deeper into their technique.

Design - Implementation: Giannis Giaples, Yoga Instructor

Wednesday 02/08, 05.30-06.30
Southern Walks

Free admission, on a first-come first served basis

Up to 50 participants
For adults

Physical exercise of mild to moderate intensity

Participants must bring their own yoga mats. They are advised to wear comfortable clothes and bring mosquito repellent with them. 

See also

Wednesday 02/08, 06:30

Sun Meditation
